Astrid Warding
MNCPS (Acc.)
Psychosexual Therapist
Sex Addiction Treatment Specialist
Clinical Supervisor
My original business Online Sex Therapy was created after realising many people out there needed an efficient way to discuss their worries and concerns about issues relating to sex. The internet has vastly become a portal for deceptive information and what many people see as hard facts can often be quite the opposite thus creating a great deal of anxiety for weeks, months and years
Established in 2012; it has become a viable and popular option for people who either do not want to travel to a psychosexual therapist, are time limited, geographically restricted or simply do not want to see someone face to face
The business has expanded over the years and now includes a fuller practice including sex addiction treatment and clinical supervison for both qualified therapists or students in person centred therapy, psychosexual therapy and sex addiction treatment. I am also a qualified and current lecturer
Fully qualified and experienced

Psychosexual Therapy

Psychosexual Dysfunctions

Sex Addiction

Clinical Supervision